The Vierra's

Friday, January 26, 2007

"Big Girl" Bryn in the swing...!

Heidi without any fear, she is so brave we are so proud of her, any new task she just giggles and thinks it's really funny to tray out all the new things in her little world. What a trooper...!

Dinner at Mickey and Gery who was home from Alaska

Big girl Heidi using a cup for the first time

Jeff's famous rost

Silly Anna

Playdate with Catherine and Michael

We call Anna our Picasso, she loves to paint and color.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Saturday at the Ranch

We had so much fun to go out to see the horses at the ranch, Anna has bin asking for a while to go and see horses. So we took her to meet all the beautiful horses at the ranch. She was very brave and showed no fear standing. I was very proud of her to see her intrest in horses, since I grow up having a horse of my own and entering copentitions.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Heidi at 5 Month
She is growing so fast. She is eating solid food and her big thing is to suck her toes.
She loves to giggle and she is repeting the word mama, I don't think she knows what that means. Heidi's favorite toy is a Lamaze bug that was Anna's when she was a Baby. We have to bring it everywhere.
This is the first year that we where able to pick fruits from my trees.
Everybody at the Christmas party was wondering why the grapefruits where so big, we found out from our friend Mary that we have a "Pampolonie" fruit tree, and one fruit cost around $5.00 at the Asien store!

We made juice and froze it, we will need the lemon juce for Jeff's famos strawberry ice cream.

Sunday at the park

Mmmmm...yumm carrots...!!!

We made lots of Baby food.
Anna was in charge of filling up all the little frizer forms from IKEA

Heidi in her new bouncie, she loves to hang out with Max.

The doll house was the highlight of all the Christmas presents,
Anna plays for hours with the furniture and the doll family, it is so much fun to watch her.

Anna taking notes on her chalkboard

Jeff puting the Dollhouse together

Anna opening her big present from Papa

We rosted Marshmellows and made some Smors at our fire pit. Max was wondering where his share is

Friday, January 05, 2007

Christmas Eve

Heidi really liked her gift from Lisa, Steve, Nicole and Natalie.
It's a great toy for her tummy time on the floor or sitting up with some support.

Our so dry and sad looking Christmas tree

Thank you Ronda and Tony for the Dot Art

Anna and Jeff got really into colering with her new Art books and markers

Anna get's to open one Christmas gift the night before Christmas