The Vierra's

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Garage sale weekend

We had such a great turn out for the garage sale, we sold almost everything.

We had a sand storm moving in on Saturday afternoon, it always happens so fast the pictures are 30 seconds appart.

Ein wuesten Sand Sturm hat uns am Samstag nachmittag ueberrascht. Eine stunde spaeter haben wir schon wieder Sonnen schein.

Easter Week / Frohe Ostern

Anna's first grout job

looking for easter eggs

Heidi started crawling

Samantha and Anna coloring easter eggs

Heidi loves to munch on bread

Easter egg hunt at our park

Easter Bunnies....

Heidi's play friend Kat

Free spirited Picasso...

Happy Easter

"Look I got one tooth"