The Vierra's

Thursday, January 17, 2008


The weater was so beautiful and the ocean was so blue and clear.
We spend a hole morning looking for sea shells the girls had so much fun.

After a play date with Erica and Traver at the Jungel we came back to the beach house and blow up some giant baloons. Heidi and Anna where running after each other they had a blast.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Anna's favorite toy was a Scooter
Christmas afternoon walk
Anna took a nap, she was so tired after all the exitement.
After a busy day in Sacramento.
I love this picture!!!
Sampling was the best part
Christmas Eve tradition is, that everybody got to open one gift.
Christmas morning was so much fun
Heidi would not get out of her wagon
She got her own Doll set for Christmas, since there was everyday a bit of a fight over Anna's Doll

We took a horse and wagen ride through Los Gatos, the girl's had so much fun.
Heidi loved pulling ornaments from the tree and put them back on a different spot.
It was a game she played all most everyday

Poor Anna had such a bad cold over Christmas, but she was a real trooper and was in great spirit.
Making Santa's Cookies

Early Christmas with Fran

Heidi dancing to the Christmas music
Heidi loved looking at the Christmas tree
Little "stinker" figered out how to climb on chairs

Anna had so much fun making Suger Cookies for Christmas

Our Ginger bread house was a bit of a experiment

Early Christmas present

Decorating the tree

At Vasona park, they did a great job with the light's