The Vierra's

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The California State Fair

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy 2nd Birthday!!!

Goofball Heidi
Heidi was not to sure about the Candle
Heidi looked so cute with the dress Fran got her from Mexico

Anna making cupcakes for Heidi's B-Party
Check out that hair... Heidi got her hands in the shortening and decorated her hair.

Anna reading the B-cart to Heidi

Merryhill School

Anna working on the Waterford program, she is doing fantastic.
She loves making her own books and reading(yes reading) it to Mom and Dad afterwards.
We are so proud of you!!!
Both girls started at Merryhill last week.
It was hard to let Heidi go!!!
But she is doing great and enjoys her new friends.